Diane L. Masloski - Morris Nilsen Funeral Chapel

February 16, 1948 - September 10, 2023

Diane L. Masloski, age 75, of Richfield, passed away September 10, 2023.

She was born at the Swedish hospital downtown Minneapolis. She lived all of her life in Richfield in the same home. She was a faithful member of Mount Calvary church where she attended all of her life and she was a proud member of their choir. She was extremely intelligent and had a passion for current events in history. Her knowledge was outstanding.

Diane is survived by sister, Susan M. Miller and husband, Jim Miller, Eden Prairie; step-niece, Angela Miller-Flaherty; step-nephew, lon M. Miller and wife, Teresa Miller; and great-nephews, Payton J. Flaherty and Avery J. Flaherty.

She is preceded in death by parents, Peter and Mabel; and her uncles, Wallace and Walton.

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