Daniel Frank Olberg - Morris Nilsen Funeral Chapel

Daniel Frank Olberg

May 6, 1946 - March 18, 2023

Daniel Frank Olberg

Age 76, of Bloomington, MN. He lost his over 8 year battle with cancer at his winter home in Yuma, Arizona on March 18, 2023. His cancer was likely contracted from his time serving in the United States Army, where he fought in the Vietnam war.

Dan was a longtime member of the Twin City Radio Controllers. He was always willing to help members with learning to fly, setting up their airplanes or maiden flights for new planes. He was willing to help out at the field with projects or mowing the RIM land. He was a motor sports enthusiast and raced cars himself in the 70's and 80's. Dan enjoyed restoring and collecting antique motorcycles with his father until his father passed away. Dan was a true motorhead - an enthusiast of RV's, cars, Radio Controlled Airplanes, etc. Dan worked for himself as a machinist in his shop at his home in Bloomington. His company was named Magnum Racing and Machine. He worked on solving small problems and making props for advertising and TV commercials.

In 1985, Dan and Jackie started their dating life and enjoyed traveling to numerous places. They would ride anywhere and everywhere. In 2000, they got married and never stopped enjoying adventures together. One of Dan's favorite traveling pastimes was going to speed week in Florida in his converted bus.

Dan is survived by his wife, Jackie Olberg; brother, Ronald (Pam) Olberg; nephew, David (Kathy) Olberg; niece, Nancy Olberg; great-nephew, Sam Olberg; and numerous other loving family and loyal friends. He is preceded in death by his parents, John and Cecilia Olberg; and sister, Mary Olberg.

In honor of Dan, go to Dairy Queen and enjoy his favorite - a Peanut Buster Parfait!


  1. Barbara Imholte says:

    I’m so sorry to hear of Dan’s passing. I came across the obit quite by accident. My sincere condolences to all. If you ever want to talk, I can be reached at 320-251-8162. I send you a big hug and lots of love.

  2. Ben and Peggy Fleming says:

    Jackie, you and Dan were the first ones we met at the first reunion we came to in New Jersey. You were both so welcoming to us and we later were to become friends. We have missed you very much in the last reunions but understood. We are so sorry for your loss and hope you will come to some reunions in the future. Love to you always Ben & Peggy Fleming

  3. Mel and Mary Boughton says:

    May you be at peace Dan. Will certainly miss you. Melvin and Mary Boughton

  4. Bill and Becky Terwilliger says:

    Becky and I are so sorry to hear the news of Dan’s passing. We have so many great memories and our Band of Brothers will never be forgotten. We’ve really missed both of you at the last few reunions. We had some great times that we’ll never forget. You’re both in our prayers.

  5. Karen Ann Loe says:

    Danny was a such a giving person who was genuinely interested in me and what I had to say and do When I was in high school I would impress my friends by telling them that my cousin made that pin on .. I don’t remember the commercial. I think of him often when I see a Harley drive down the road and call those whinny things crotch rockets. He also let me drive his Porshe once which was pretty cool. Thank you Danny for being my smart, generous and caring cousin. “dobrou noc” Karen

  6. Pete Crawford says:

    I knew Dan through his association with Don Framstad, my best friend and best man at his wedding. Dan and Don worked together setting up a water-cooled Suzuki 750 engine for Don’s race bike. Don died in a racing accident at Brainerd in 1990. I was at his wife Bonnie’s memorial service on Feb.24 and Dan’s name came up that he had passed. He was a nice guy and always eager to help.

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