October 30, 1925 - December 26, 2024
Florence Jeanette (Wolbrink) Everson was born October 30, 1925. She joined loved ones in heaven on December 26, 2024.
Florence was born and grew up on a farm six miles northwest of Harrison, South Dakota. In her twenties she married the love of her life, Earl Everson, who grew up just a half mile away. An amazingly capable woman, Florence took on the heavy responsibilities of farm and family life, including but not limited to gardening, canning, baking bread, cooking and feeding thrashers and silage cutters, raising kids, sewing, crocheting, leading the Shooting Stars 4-H club for more than 25 years, teaching Good News Club for 12 years, serving on the school board, and playing an active role in the life of Ebenezer Lutheran Church. She was a woman of strong faith and big ideas and was skilled in converting her ideas to action. In their retirement, Florence and Earl moved to the Minneapolis area to be closer to their adult children. They joined Emmaus Lutheran Church in Bloomington where Florence’s faith was lived through Bible studies and quilting groups and impactful personal friendships. She also served as a Sunday greeter. In her nineties, her desire to be of service found multiple outlets, such as helping construct more than 60 quilts that were then donated to homeless shelters and helping to make over 600 masks during the Coronavirus pandemic. She also served as a reading aide to middle school students until age 98.
Florence exuded love and acceptance. People were drawn to her presence. She had a keen sense of humor, but you may not have fully experienced it if you did not know her well. In the last week of her life, she asked how old she was. When she was told she was 99 years old, she looked surprised and said, “Well, I wasn’t born yesterday.”
Florence was preceded in death by her husband, Earl and infant daughter, Candace; her siblings, Raymond Wolbrink, Alice Vanden Hoek, Luetta Vanden Hoek, Jerald Wolbrink, Trena Wolbrink, Margaret Overweg, Lavonne Willis, Jean Wolbrink, and Elaine Cole. She is survived by children Daniel (Kory) Everson, Beverly Everson, Connie Everson, Ardis (Brian) Iverson, and Gloria Everson; Grandchildren: Brianna (Allias) Keogh, Isaac (Dana LaVan) Iverson, Seth Iverson, and Andrew Iverson, as well as many nieces, nephews, great nieces, great nephews and friends.
The service will be livestreamed at the Emmaus Lutheran Church website (emmauslutheran.org/privatelivestream).
Memorials preferred to Avivo - an organization Florence often donated quilts to - or Emmaus Lutheran Church.
Thursday, January 2, 2025
11:00 AM
Ebenezer Cemetery
269th street
Corsica, SD 57328
Memorial Service
Wednesday, January 8, 2025
11:00 AM
Visitation 1-Hour Prior to Service
Emmaus Lutheran Church
8443 2nd Avenue South
Bloomington, MN
Florence blessed many by her sweet presence and faithfulness to her Savior.
Florence was a delightful and loving lady. Her love for Jesus spoke volumes to me. She was a musical inspiration as well and will be remembered with this song in my heart, “I Have Found A Friend In Jesus”. Prayers and Blessings to the family.
Thank you Florence for pouring your knowledge & faith into me during those years of Good News Club. You had a huge impact on my faith as a child. Until we meet again in heaven . . .
Kory and Dan,
I am forever grateful that I had the opportunity to meet Florence. What an amazing woman with so many talents and a heart full of love to share.
I will always remember Florence as my wonderful aunt who was so generous to me when I needed it most. She was truly someone who had the Lord’s love in her heart! She will always be missed because of her warm personality and her kindhearted demeanor, and her devotion to the Almighty!! Anyone whoever met Florence knew that she was someone who had God’s love in her heart and wasn’t afraid to tell them!!! I will never forget you Aunt Florence!! I love you for eternity!!! My heart is happy knowing you are in the presence of the great I Am…
“Be ready to tell… of your trust in Christ your Lord…and do It in a gentle and respectful manner. “. 1 Peter 3:15
These words, Florence’s favorite, she did speak often to everyone she could.
I was in a Bible Study with her for sometime and saw her practice the traits of a Proverbs 31 woman, whose hands were not idle. I was impressed by her family who provided tasks, supplies and help for her. I loved her as a friend and looked to her as one who, like a needy student, was being mentored. Her years were invested in the Kingdom of God—-quietly with trust Blessed be her memory!
Dear Florence, I feel very blessed to have known you.! I remember when I was only around 6 y.o. at Ebenezer Lutheran Church, I knew you were a very special and wonderful person.! You treated just little old me so kindly! Your love for Jesus Christ makes you such an inspiration for many people.! That’s why everyone loved to be around you.! You are in the everlasting care of Jesus now, and what a glorious day it will be when you can see all your family and friends who love you so much.!❤
Florence was a cousin of my mother, Sarah, and they were good friends who lived only a couple of miles apart for many years. I really enjoyed being around her when I often visited her son, Dan. I last saw her eight years ago when my wife and I were visiting Dan and Kory. We had such a nice time visiting with her as we were playing a table game. She was using two walking sticks to get around and my wife decided to put little infant
shoes on the tips of those walking sticks. From then on she always had those little shoes on those sticks and a way to get the attention of inquisitive people that she met wherever she went.