Lorraine Delores Fiero - Morris Nilsen Funeral Chapel

Lorraine Delores Fiero

April 1, 1929 - January 2, 2025

Lorraine Delores Fiero

Age 95, of Richfield, passed away January 2, 2025. Baptized, confirmed and married at Stockholm Lutheran Church in Cokato, MN. 1946 Cokato High School graduate. Retired from Honeywell after 46 years. Preceded in death by husband, Ralph Fiero; and parents, Victor and Helen Munson.

Memorials preferred to Mt. Olivet Church or donor’s choice.


  1. LaVonne Prokosch Zinn says:

    Lorraine you were a most kind friend. I met you at our work at Honeywell in 1953 and then went on to share an apt on 32nd and Hennepin with three other good friend and what a wonderful time we had. I am so glad that you and I did have lunch together in the past three years.

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